Friday, December 21, 2007

Masaki Kurosaki

Masaki, born on June 9 and died on June 17, is the mother of Ichigo, Yuzu, and Karin. She died while Ichigo was still a child, and her death deeply affected her family. Isshin keeps a large poster of her on the wall and occasionally talks to it for comic relief. Though Ichigo initially did not know how she died, he later discovers that the hollow Grand Fisher was actually responsible for her death. Grand Fisher had intended to kill Ichigo, but killed Masaki instead when she protected him. Both Isshin and Ichigo blame themselves for her death. Because of her death, her three children changed completely in personality: Ichigo changed from a smiling mama's boy into his scowling, short-tempered self; Yuzu turned from a crybaby to a reliable housekeeper; and Karin turned from a crybaby into a robust tomboy.

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