Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hō and Ban

Hō (鵬, Hō?) and Ban (磐, Ban?) (seiyū: Daisuke Sakaguchi) are child-like twin Bounts who work together telepathically and use their dolls (Hō controls Guhl and Ban controls Günther) to manipulate water. They attacked Karakura Hospital in an attempt to kidnap Uryū Ishida. They were defeated by a combined effort from Noba (whose plush form at the time afforded him immunity against the Bount Doll's power) and the newly arrived Ganju Shiba. After Noba used repetitive short distance teleports to knock Ban unconscious, forcing Hō to control both dolls simultaneously, Ganju destroyed their dolls with fireworks, killing the twins as a result.

Guhl (グール, Gūru?) and Günther (ギュンター, Gyuntā?) are Hō and Ban's twin dolls, respectively. Both dolls take the form of bottlecaps. When released, the dolls can control water, making destroying them quite difficult since the bottlecaps are small targets within the large eyestalk-like shape they take. In order to kill opponents, Guhl and Günther form a large stalk around their enemies and restrain them, forcibly drowning them. They also have the ability to force themselves into the human body (as 70% of the human body is water) and tear the enemy apart from the inside out. Of course, this attack is fairly useless against an adversary who doesn't have an ounce of water in them in the first place. They are stronger when more water surrounds them. Each control one doll, but both of them can apparently control either if need be, as Hō demonstrates. Ban and Ho can control the dolls to a more devastating degree by merging their large bodies of water. But the downside is, Ban and Ho need to be side-by-side with each other in order to coordinate properly the doll's attacks; the twins being more than a few feet away from each other would result their concentration (which is synchronized via something like telepathy) getting broken off.


Cain (seiyū: Takayuki Fujimoto) is a young male Bount whom Jin Kariya had left in Koga's care many years ago. He has cropped reddish-brown hair and blue eyes, and often seen with a similar expression to Ichigo Kurosaki's. He states that before he came to live with Koga, he had a difficult life.

Waineton is Cain's doll. Cain learned to conjure Waineton (a large praying mantis-type creature) using a training book written by Kariya which held the appropriate rites. However, Cain had not yet been properly prepared by Koga when he attempted to summon a doll on his own. Eager to show Koga his creation, Cain tried to push Waineton to show his abilities despite Waineton's claim to be tired and was killed when Waineton decided to 'test' him. Koga appears to carry a great deal of guilt over Cain's death.


I'm going to post about all the Bount's now

Bount : Powers

The Bounts's inability to age is a product of how they survive: consuming human souls. This gives them potentially everlasting youth so long as they can find souls to consume. This also seems to make them infertile, as only one Bount, Yoshino Sōma, had the ability to reproduce out of the entire species. Normally, Bount consume human souls that have already died. Under the leadership of Jin Kariya, however, they began consuming living souls. Consuming living souls causes a Bount to physically age to a small degree[2]; the only person to have consumed enough to have noticeably aged is Sawatari, who appears as if he is well into his eighties while normal Bount retain an appearance of someone in their twenties or thirties. It is not known if a Bount could also die this way.


Bount, being created as variations on a shinigami soul, have similar powers to shinigami. The foremost of these powers is the Bount doll, a familiar equivalent to the shinigami zanpakutō. Like a zanpakutō, a doll is its creator's power given physical form. Also like a zanpakutō, a doll's personality is much like its creator's, though the dolls seem to have more personality variation than the zanpakutō spirits seen thus far.

The main difference between a doll and a zanpakutō is how they operate. Unlike a zanpakutō, whose personality is generally dormant except when the shinigami wishes to speak to them, a doll's personality is always dominant. Dolls are self-sufficient when released, though they can easily be resealed. The Bount's ability to control their doll is largely based on their individual power and relationship with the doll. Moreover, if either the doll or its Bount partner sustains severe damage in a battle, the Bount may lose control over his doll, depending on the amount of damage dealt. If a doll is injured, it will simply return itself to its sealed state. However, should its master be injured, the doll may go berserk and kill its master, as Ugaki and Mabashi's dolls did. A doll may also kill a Bount who is not powerful enough to contain it, as was the case with Cain. Bounts with a genuine bond with their dolls can transgress this (but only if their interaction goes well beyond that of between master and slave), however ,as shown by Yoshino's doll's loyalty towards his master to the point where he refused to leave her side to fulfill her final wish: for her to bemerged with him

Like a zanpakutō, dolls are generally sealed into an object and released as necessary (Koga Gō's doll, for example, is sealed into a metal sphere). The object varies greatly from person to person and is often an expression of the doll's abilities. In order to call upon a Bount's doll, the phrase "Zeige Dich" is said, which is a German phrase meaning "Show yourself."

To summon a doll, a Bount needs to undergo a ritual where they chant an incantation. These instructions were first given to young Kariya by Ran'Tao after the shinigami attack. The ritual includes sulfur, phosphorus, carbon, water, fat, magnesium and lime (the ingredients of the human body). When a doll is summoned, it is small in size and power, but grows as the Bount's power grows.


Jin Kariya and Ugaki were also able to create a unique form of dolls known as the bitto. The bitto are mosquito-like beings which drain the souls from humans and condense the energy into a purified liquid for the Bount to drink. They even produce a useful vial in their sacs to store the elixir (which takes the form of a red blood-like liquid). After the soul elixer has been ingested, the Bount who took it immediately experiences the effects, with veins popping from their skin. Kariya created the bitto by sacrificing Yoshino Sōma, the only Bount able to reproduce, in an elaborate ritual, producing a large swarm of them

Bount : History

The Bounts were created as the accidental result of an explosion during an experiment by the predecessor to the Seireitei Technological Institute. The experiment was an attempt to develop eternal life using the already slow-aging shinigami souls as the base, but the materials used in the experiment crossed with the development of souls in the real world and led to the creation of a new spiritually-active human race, the Bount.

The Bount souls were scattered about the world, giving rise to a new race that never aged after reaching their twenties or thirties. They were generally treated as outcasts due to the fact that they did not age. The shinigami scientist responsible for their creation, Ran'Tao, gathered most of the Bount into a small community in a secret cave structure, several centuries before the main storyline. It was her intent to improve the quality of life for the people whose suffering she felt responsible for.

However, the embarrassment of this accidental creation, as well as the fact that a tenth of Seireitei was destroyed in the resulting explosion and the possible threat they posed to the balance between the worlds, led the Chamber of 46 to rule that the experiment and its failure was to be covered up, and the Bount destroyed. Shinigami were dispatched to kill the Bount community, but a handful survived, including a young boy saved by Ran'Tao herself, to whom she gave a seal that would help unlock the Bounts' true power.

The Bount who survived the massacre wandered nomadically and eventually fell prey to constant attacks by hollows. It was during this time that the boy, who would later become known as Eugene, activated the seal's power and merged with his doll - the Bount equivalent to a shinigami's zanpakuto - and killed off the attacking hollows. The survivors eventually found refuge in another cave and began devising a plan to return to Soul Society, which they saw as more of a home than the real world ever could be. Eugene, now an adult, was against this plan. He had witnessed the massacre and believed the only thing that would await the Bount if they returned to Soul Society would be subservience or death. Regardless, the Bount leadership decided to gain access to Soul Society by means of the Quincy's powers. The Quincy were unwilling to assist, and a battle ensued, in which the Quincy and shinigami killed most of the surviving Bount.

Further infuriated by this, Eugene took the last few surviving Bount, all of whom were of a similar mindset to him, and began plotting revenge on Soul Society. These Bounts managed to perfect the control of their dolls, and by the time of the main storyline Eugene, now going by the alias, Jin Kariya, was ready for vengeance.

Get Ready

I'll be posting aout te Bount's now

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Grand Fisher

Grand Fisher is a hollow that had evaded the shinigami for over 50 years and is responsible for the death of Ichigo's mother, Masaki Kurosaki. In the anime, he prefers to eat women, which is why he killed Ichigo's mother; in the manga, he prefers to eat children, and Ichigo's mother merely got in the way. In hollow form, he resembles a giant hamster with bird-like hands and feet and a tentacle-like limb that hangs from his forehead, similar to the esca (lure) of an angler fish. The lure is vaguely human-sized and can be transformed to resemble anyone Grand Fisher wishes, usually taking the appearance of one of his previous victims. It can act independently of Grand Fisher, and as long as either the lure or Grand Fisher himself survives, he cannot be purified.

As a hollow, Grand Fisher's preferred method of fighting shinigami involves using his angler to keep opponents at bay, rather than attract them as it would normally be used. By transforming the angler into a decoy copy of someone close to his enemy, he can keep them from attacking, since they will be unwilling to harm the decoy. He can also grow his hair and fingers into spikes to stab enemies, or use them to restrain an opponent. Outside combat, his angler is used like its namesake, allowing him to distinguish those with high spiritual power from common humans and devour them.

After his defeat by Ichigo, Grand Fisher is turned into an imperfect arrancar by Iceringer and used by Aizen as an experimental subject. In arrancar form, he resembles a larger, more humanoid version of his old self with a tattooed face poking out from between his jawbones. He carries a large zanpakutō on his back, which is almost as tall as a two-story building. By unsheathing it, he transforms into a huge, monstrous creature with bull-like horns, and his zanpakutō becomes the size of a scyscraper. He returns to the human world to kill Ichigo, but instead is killed by Ichigo's father, Isshin Kurosaki.


Nakeem is a fat, silent arrancar, his only significant speech being an answer to a question shortly before his death. The remains of his hollow mask cover the entire right side of his face. Nakeem is killed by Rangiku Matsumoto. The name and exact abilities of Nakeem's zanpakutō are unknown, but in the later stages of his battle with Rangiku, he appears to have grown to an enormous size, large enough to crush her under his foot. Curiously, his physical appearance, height aside, did not change at all. Before becoming an arrancar, Nakeem had not yet evolved beyond the form of a gillian-class menos: aside from his unique mask, his appearance was no different from a standard gillian.

Di Roy

Di Roy's hollow mask remains are bulky and similar in shape to a hammerhead shark. The right-hand side of his mask is wrapped in bandages, which obscures his right eye — the bandages are meant to hide an injury given to him by Grimmjow when he was still a menos. When the bandages are unwrapped, there is a gash on the top of his mask. Identical to a hollow's eye, his right eye is a white circle surrounded by black shadows. He has square, shark-like teeth. He seems to love killing as seen from his disappointment in not being able to kill Yasutora Sado. He is noted for carrying his zanpakutō in his hands for much of his screentime.

Di Roy is killed by Rukia Kuchiki when she unveils her zanpakutō's shikai during the second attack on Karakura Town. During the battle, he claims that his "true battlefield is in the sky," suggesting that he fights better in the air; however, most arrancar seem to prefer this method of fighting. Di Roy is substantially weaker than his brethren, to the point that Yylfordt scornfully refers to him as an "arrancar in name only."

Yylfordt Granz

Yylfordt is a sarcastic, effeminate arrancar with long blond hair. What remains of his hollow mask is on the top of his head, and looks like a broken helmet. He commonly refers to other characters as "brother" when speaking. He was the older brother of Szayel Aporro Granz, the 8th Espada. Yylfordt is fairly powerful for his rank, able to fight off Renji Abarai's bankai (at 20% power) without releasing his zanpakutō. In contrast, however, he is little match for the surprisingly strong Ururu Tsumugiya in his normal state, but easily dispatches her once he releases his zanpakutō. He is eventually killed by Renji, who notes that if Yylfordt hadn't been distracted, he might not have been able to defeat him.

Yylfordt's zanpakutō is named Del Toro (蒼角王子(デルトロ), Derutoro?, Spanish for "of the bull," Japanese for "pale-horned prince") and is released by the phrase "skewer" (焼串, tsukikudake?). When Del Toro is released, Yylfordt's upper body enlarges and is covered in bull-like armor, while his mask seems to completely regenerate, giving him horns. In this form, he walks on four legs and uses his horns to skewer opponents.

Edorad Liones

Edorad Liones appears to be a very large man, with long red hair; however, half of his hair is shaved and black. The remains of his hollow mask are merely the eye holes, which rest on his nose, and it essentially looks as if he wears unusual glasses. He is killed by Ikkaku Madarame.

Edrad's zanpakutō is named Volcánica (火山獣(ボルカニカ), Borukanika?, Spanish for "volcano," Japanese for "volcanic beast") and is released by the phrase "awake" (起きろ, okiro?). When Volcanica is released, his mask disappears and his arms are covered in what looks like volcanic rock, becoming much longer and wider in the process. An exhaust spout is located on each shoulder. He is able to shoot fire from his fists in this form.

Shawlong Koufang

Shawlong Koufang has a long face and black hair, which is braided and usually hanging over his shoulder. What remains of his mask is on the top of his head, but a portion drops down covering part of his face. Shawlong is an intellectual, or at least an analyst, able to confidently state the nature of his opponent's powers. He is killed by Tōshirō Hitsugaya.

Shawlong was a member, and possibly the leader, of a group formed by himself, Edrad Liones, Yylfordt Granz, Di Roy, and Nakeem. They wanted to become vasto lordes by eating other hollows and thereby decided to join forces with the adjuchas-class menos, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, whom Shawlong proposed be their "king". However, upon learning that they could evolve no further, Shawlong asked him to devour the five of them, though evidently he did not do so and treated him and his other followers as Fracción.

Shawlong's zanpakutō is named Tijereta (五鋏蟲(ティヘレタ), Tihereta?, Spanish for "earwig," Japanese for "five-pincered insect"). It is released with the phrase "snip" (裁て, tate?). When released, Shawlong grows armor covering his arms and upper chest with his hands transforming into long claws, his mask extends down to cover the left side of his face and his queue becomes a tail with claws

Arrancar - Numeros

now i'm gonna post about the Numeros

From left to right: Edrad Liones, Nakeem (top), Yylfordt Granz (bottom), Shawlong Koufang, and Di Roy.